The American Dream Created by: Magan wan


  1. What is your American Dream and did you achieve it?
  2. Why did you choose this American Dream?
  3. Did you enjoy your dreams? Why or why not?
  4. How did the dream impact your life?
  5. Did the dream affect your life positively or negatively? Why or why no?
  6. Does your parents have the same American Dream? Why or why not?
  7. is your parents passionate about your dream? Explain.
  8. Has your view of the American dream change over time while you are in America? Explain.


My mom wan born in China. she had a dream of coming to the U.S. to find her dream. Her dream was to be the best hairstylist in Texas. She work hard and achieve that dream. Her parents are not passionate about her dream, however the supported her through her life journey. Overtime, she did not change her dream, for she stay true to herself.


Created with images by Greyerbaby - "daisies daisy flowers" • TeroVesalainen - "mindmap brainstorm idea"

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