Make up points By Izak BarneTt

Number 1

Q:How were the House of Burgesses and the British Parliament the same?

A:They were the same because both shared their power with the king. Not only this but they both also did not let all colonies represent themselves. The House of Burgesses only had 22 elects law makers

Number 4

Q: Which best describes an outcome of the first Continential Congress?

A: Colonists pushed Great Britian to repeal its laws to restore favorable relations between Britain and the Colonies. The colonists agreed to boycott the British imports and stop exporting goods. They agreed that they would meet the following May if needed.

Number 5

Q: What is a boycott?

A: A boycott is a refusal to buy goods or service. The group or nation may also try to influence others to join the boycott and to stop doing business with or aiding the offending party. The term comes from Charles C. Boycott, a British land agent in Ireland.

Number 6

Q: What was the main effect of intolerable acts on the colonies?

A: More colonists became convinced that the Brutish government was treating them unfairly. The intent of these acts was to quell resistance by the colonies. Instead, the acts served to fuel resistance to British rule and propelled the colonies toward independence.

Number 7

Q: Which phrase became popular after the passage of the the Stamp Act?

A: " No taxation without Representation." This was a popular phrase among colonists because they felt it was unfair to pay taxes to government that didn't allow them to be represented in congress.

Number 8

Q: Why was it risky for the leaders of Virginia to declare independence from Great Britain?

A: If unsuccessful, the leaders would be punished by Great Britain as traitors. If they became traitors Great Britain would no longer supply them with goods. This means their government would crumble

Number 11

Q: The words " life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence are based on John Lockes ideas about which principal of government?

A: He said that governments have an obligation to protect people’s natural rights and that citizens have an obligation to follow the laws created by their government. If a government breaks that contract, and does not protect citizens’ rights, the people have a right to overthrow the government.

Number 12

Q: Which factor best explains why it was difficult for the British to replace lost soldiers on the battle field?

A: The soldiers usually had to travel a long way from Great Britain. It was difficult due to the amount of time it took and the wear and tear on the soldiers.

Number 17

Q: Which factor contributed to the depression that struck the United States after the Revolutinary War?

A: A sharp decline in exports.They could no longer rely on a mother country for financial support and supplies. The new government would have to compete economically with the major world powers such as Great Britain, France, and Spain. To win the revolution, the colonies had accumulated a significant war debt, and paying this debt would become a major concern during the early years of the republic.

Number 19

Q: Under the Articles of confederation the national and state governments shared the powere to?

A: Regulate Commerce. Commerce means buying and selling goods and services, especially when many people are involved. People engage in commerce because one person or group has something that another person or group wants and is willing to pay for.

Number 21

Q: At the Constitutional Convention, discussions of slavery were closely related to discussions about which of these other issues?

A: Taxation and representation. In addition to issues of governance, the delegates debated slavery, which was becoming a more pressing issue in the nation. Not all of the delegates were in favor of ratifying the Constitution, but after the Bill of Rights was added to it, it became more favorable to many delegates.

Number 22

Q: Which section of the U.S. Constitution protects individual liberties?

A: Amendments 1-10. The Bill of Rights, which is the name for the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, explicitly list rights that the government cannot take away. Later amendments have expanded those rights.

Number 23

Q: With the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, the national government gained the power to?

A: Collect taxes. Within 10 months, the required 9 states had ratified the Constitution, so it became law. After another month, the other four U.S. states ratified it. Once they have been approved by Congress, Constitutional amendments must also be ratified by three-fourths of the states, either by the state legislatures or by conventions held in each state.

Number 25

Q: According to the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution, who established the federal government?

A: We the people created the federal government. The preamble to the U.S. Constitution, written in 1787, begins with the words “We the people,” which refer to the fact that the power of the U.S. government comes from its citizens. The preamble then lists six purposes for which the Constitution was written.

Number 27

Q: The Framers created a Constitution that called for the people to directly elect representative members of the?

A: The executive Cabneit. The cabinet is a group of advisers to the president of the United States. The cabinet includes the heads of the departments in the executive branch of government

Number 28

Q:Which action illustrates the principle of checks and balances?

A: A court voids a congressional wall. Checks and balances help prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful. When the U.S. Constitution was written in 1787, its writers made sure that the new federal government had checks and balances among its three branches.

Number 30

Q: The First Amendment protects an American's right to?

A: Attent an anti-war protest The first eight amendments of the Bill of Rights list specific freedoms that are guaranteed to U.S. citizens. The First Amendment, for example, guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and the freedom of public assembly.

Number 31

Q:The Fourth Amendment places limits on the government's ability to?

A: Punish criminals.For example, people have protection from unreasonable searches of their homes, from speaking against themselves in court, and from cruel or unusual punishment for crimes. They also have the right to a fair, quick trial with a lawyer and a jury, in most cases. Other amendments guarantee people’s right to own weapons and their freedom from having soldiers stay in their homes.

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