Digital Art & Design WT Woodson high School

If you choose to become a student in Digital Art & Design, you will learn how to think creatively and solve visual problems. You will learn to create art using technology. You will develop expertise in the use of scanners, computers, and digital cameras in creating digital artworks.

You will learn how to use Adobe software to create your art. The many softwares we use can be your resource to create animations, video, manipulation of photos, 3D images, and digital painting.

Students learn to draw and paint using a pen and tablet with their computer.
Students can use many different software options to create works of art.

We offer 4 levels of Digital Art & Design and an Animation class. In your senior year, you have the option of enrolling in Advanced Placement Studio Art: 2D portfolio. Students submit a 2D Digital Art portfolio to the College Board for college credit.

Students explore many different themes.
Students can use words to create a personal expression.
Students explore photo manipulation to create works of art.
Students learn to create art using 3D software.
Students explore different themes. This student created a work of art based on the interpretation of their identity.

Do you want to learn how to create art using technology? Join us in Digital Art & Design and Animation. All work is completed in class so there is no homework! Please see your counselor about enrolling in Digital Art & Design or Animation. Feel free to email with any questions. We look forward to getting to know you.

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