Representable and Unrepresentable FTV3010M DAEUN CHOI WEEK 03 PRESENTATION


Terminology – definitions, origins, history, usage, connotations and controversies:
  1. 'Holocaust'
  2. ‘Shoah’
  3. ‘Final Solution’
  4. ‘Concentration camp’ ; 'extermination camp’ and ‘genocide’ ; ‘labour camp’;'death camp’


Holocaust which made "racism", "antisemitism", and "ethnic prejudice" a major issue of public police for the victors.

Terminology of 'Holocaust'

  • Nazi 'Jewish policy' (Judenpolitik) or the 'policy/policies of annihilation' (Vernichtungspolitik)

Definition of "the Holocaust"

Uzi Rebhun (2014,311) The Social Scientific Study of Jewry: Sources, Approaches, Debates

According to Friedman explains that "World War II, history's deadliest military conflict, accounted for 72 million..death, 47 million civilians in total, 12 million of whom were murdered in the Holocaust "

According to Holocaust Memorial Museum's definition of the Holocaust as "the systematic, bureaucratic,state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its allies during World War II", and "six million non-Jewish victims also suffered grievous oppression and destruction"


Anne-Marie Baron (2006) The Shoah on Screen: Representing Crimes Against Humanity

The history and origin of "The Sohah"

"The Sohah" became establish about the genocide pretreated by the Nazi during the Second World War.

The word "Shoah" became established in the wake of Claude Lanzmann's 1985 film. - as it appears in the Book of Isaiah cited in the film's epigraph- for the unnameable.

Lanzmann claim that it is a non-religious word meaning "overwhelming catastrophe", "utter destruction" or "devastation". Lanzamann thus stripped this genocide of its religious connotation and gave it a name that was short, easy to remember.

Ronit Lenṭin (2000,3-4) Israel and the Daughters of the Shoah: Reoccupying the Territories of Silence

The use of term Shoah

; a tentative definition of Israeli Shoah survivors and their children; the centrality of the terms 'territories' and 'occupation'.

Definition of 'Shah'

  • Hebrew word 'Shoah' meaning catastrophe, cataclysm, disaster to describe the annihilation of a third of Jewish people by the Nazi before and during the Second World War rather than the English language term 'Holocaust'
  • The term 'Shoah' was deliberately sought by Zionism to allow for new, Erez Israeli rather than jewish-diasporic meaning.
  • Shoah changed the relationship of humans to their own history

‘Final Solution’

David Cesarani (2002, 51) The Final Solution: Origins and Implementation

According to Friedlander (2002)

Nazi genocide, also known as the Final Solution or the Holocaust.

  • The chronology of Nzai mass number unambiguously shows that the killings of the handicapped intiated in the winter of 1939-40, preceded those of jews and Gypsies...In short, euthansia served as a model for the Final Solution.
  • The way Nazi leaders reached the devision to kill the handicapped tells us a great deal about they decided on the Final Solution

Definition of 'the final Soultion'

Killing the handicapped had been advocated as early as early as 1920, and during the 1930s some party and government health care functionaries had championed that radical policy.

History of 'The Final Solution'

Hitler commissioned Himmler and his SS and police to kill the Jews. Hitler kept himself informed about the progress of the killing operations of the Final Solution

Usage of The Final Solution

The adoption of the euthanasia killing technique by the operators of the Final Solution; 'The method employed the camps [of Operation Reinhard] was the same as the utilized in the castle in Hartheim, except that those killed were all Jews'

Two procedures, using as representative examples Hartheim for euthanasia and Sobibor for the Final Solution.

‘concentration camp’

‘Internment camp’, ‘Labour camp’, ‘ Death camp’ "extermination camp’ and ‘genocide’

Dan Stone (2017) Concentration Camps: A Short History
A map including some of the major concentration camps and death camps between 1933 and 1945

Definition of 'Concentration Camps'

  • Judge Micahel Musmanno noted that In the general lurid picture of World War II, with its wrecked cities, uprooted farmland,demolished transportation facilities, and public utilities, starvation, disease, ashes, death, rubble, and dust, one item of horror seems to stand out with particularly dramatic and tragic intensity- the concentration camp.

Origin of 'Concentration camps'

  • Nazi camps but has discovered that concentration camps originated several decades before the Third Reich began using them, and has witnessed their use again in numerous locations, from wars of decolonization in Africa to Yugoslac Wars of the 1990s.

History of 'Concentration Camp'

  • Nazi camp system was devised to build the 'racial community' with concentration camps set up to exclude and eventually to eradicate unwanted others.
  • American internment of Japanese-American citizens during the Second World War, Franco's camps during the after the Spanish Civil War, Britain's use of camps for Jewish displaced persons in Cyprus.. the colonial powers' resort to camps during the wars of decolonization such as in Algeria, Malya and Kenya, the Chinese use of camps during the Maoist period, the Khmer Rouge's attempt to turn the whole of Cambodia in to giant concentration camp in the 1970s...Bosnia in the 1990s, and the contemporary camp system in North Korea.

‘internment camp’

Abbie Lynn Salyers () The Internment of Memory: Forgetting and Remembering the Japanese American

Definition of 'Interment camp'

  • Deborah Lipstadt showed how some Holocaust denier have referred to the "internment" of Jews in Europe and have been attempted to equate it to the "internment" of the Japanese American in the United States.
  • The difinition of "relocation centre" could fit "internment camp"
  • the word "internment" which carries its own distinct definition and by referring to "persons of japanese birth or origin" it avoids explicitly stating that such camps detained American citizens.

'Labour camp' & 'death camp'

Marlene Silbert (2004) The Holocaust: Lessons for Humanity Compiled

Once World War Two began in 1939, slave-labour camps became an indispensable part of the war economy.

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Created with images by barakbro - "fence holocaust barbwire" • Willliam D - "Jewish Museum, Berlin" • Willliam D - "Jewish Museum, Berlin" • Willliam D - "Jewish Museum, Berlin" • anneileino - "massacre auschwitcz birkenau"

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