
10 small ways you can improve your city the least you can do to make a big difference where you live

Sometimes the smallest things we can do for our neighborhoods can have the biggest impact. We've scoured cities all around the world for small ideas with huge potential. And we divided them all up into different sections to help focus your efforts. We hope this serves as a resource for urban inspiration.

On your street redesign a crosswalk

On your street plant a tree

On your street hang some chandeliers

In your neighborhood make faces

In your neighborhood network your alleys

Along your route give directions to your entire city

With your neighbors talk to someone for 10 minutes

With your neighbors set the table for community conversation.

In your community create community murals, and make preserving them a priority.

In your community smile, particularly at strangers.


Created with an image by ohurtsov - "girl young lifestyle"

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