Movie review: La La Land By: Morgan PLunkett and Grace goldman

Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling star in the movie La La Land. This film is about a musician and an actress who fall in love and face the struggles of achieving their dreams.

Morgan's Thoughts: The movie is set in Hollywood, California and and aspiring actress Mia(played by Emma Stone) sets out to achieve her dream. She meets a pianist Sebastian(played by Ryan Gosling) who is also struggling, and hopes to own a Jazz club in the future because he claims "Jazz is dying." My opinion on the movie, is that it's very unique, and I myself normally don't like musicals, but this wasn't flashy at all. Everything sort of worked, from the annoying honks from Sebastian to the peculiar levitating in the observatory, it was fantastic. Needless to say, I was balling in the movie theatre, the cinematography was also spectacular, and the lighting really showed the emotions of the characters. I would definitely recommend seeing it a second time, or maybe a third.

Grace's thoughts: I thought the movie La La Land was amazing. The film has some musical numbers in it which makes it unique from a typical movie. The cinematography is also very different, there are many bright colors, interesting photoshop techniques, and there are many unique angles that they show, such as silhouettes. The filmmakers also use distinctive lighting all throughout the film when they focus on a single person and it looks very clean. La La Land had me in tears, and I would definitely recommend this movie. After seeing this film, I think it is my new favorite movie.

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