
Nayeli Rios
Chris Reyes Quacks the Code

Oregon 307 - 240 UCLA

Syracuse 186 - 184 Wisconsin

Jose Carra
Jose Aguilera

Gonzaga 229 - 174 Cal

Illinois 267 - 264 Saint Louis University

Duke 236 - Dayton 229

Marquette 282 - 184 Miami

#LadyPanther #Feminism

Creighton 264 - UWM 165

#10 - Jazmin Ramirez
#9 - Cindy Medina & Nayeli Pantoja
# 8 - Efrain Ramirez
# 7 - Jose Gomez
#6 - Melissa Moreno
# 5 - All the Jose's and Brians
# 4 - No Angle-Side-Side
#3 - Gerry Perez
#2 - Tayde Vazquez
# 1 - Jazmin Andino

Villanova 234 - UNC 216


Created with images by jarmoluk - "the ball stadion horn" • sam_churchill - "Gold top 10 winner" • bentilley - "Block 24, Auschwitz" • _sarchi - "geometry" • Jose and Roxanne - "Wedding Favor - Jose and Roxanne" • kevin dooley - "KD's World Tour - Zebra's Ass"

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