ME by ben h

A Job I Admire is

A job i admire is firefighters.Because they save people daily.They rush into burning buildings to save people.they risk their lives for us.

My Future Career

the job i want to have when i grow up is to be a game designer.I want to be a game designer because i like playing games. the style of game i like to play is not common in games. also i like using technology.

My Hobbies

one of my hobbies is playing soccer.It is fun because i have been playing it for a long time.

Something I'm Proud of

one thing i'm proud of is climbing a tall tree in my park.its really tall and skinny on the top.

Favorite Food

my favorite food is pizza. I like pizza.


Created with images by Mediengestalter - "grass meadow green" • andrewmalone - "Fire trucks" • weisserstier - "140527_Laptop_2" • jarmoluk - "football the ball sport" • rkrichardson - "Tall Tree" • Meditations - "america american baked"

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