My Hero

The name of the person would be Lidia Beltran she is a 1 out 8 kids mostly all girls out of guys . She is my mom she is basically like my sister the bond we have is like is like where i can talk to her about anything. My mom is really chill she the type to let me live and experience life but at its rules well she has rules. My mom is from Mexico D.F she's 30 year old. The reason why I interview my mother would be because I look up to her. My mom is who i want to be in the future and the mother i want to be . She kind and understanding and just forgives people . She is just a role model in my life a person and that's it. They had a rough childhood in Mexico being poor and etc . My mom decide to not go to school anymore so she stayed to take care of her brothers. My grandparents had an abusive relationship so my mom got affected by it. My grandpa was dealing with an alcoholic problem which he passed away not so long ago . My mom got pregnant 14 so she had to grow up quick and married my dad who hasn’t a really good guy at the moment he was young and wild . She became independent and came to California with my dad to start a new life . My mom was basically a mother of 2 daughter at 20 my 15 year old aunt at the time and i was 3 since my grandma was living her life . My mom became a strong shoulder for my dad .This person has accomplished to manage to keep her family together and united she is still with my dad through rough times. She is a great mom for my little sister and I .

My mom doesn’t work anymore and manages to buy what she wants because she made a plan and saved up money . She does what she can to help those in need . Throughout all the things she gone through life it doesn’t affect her she knows how to forgive and forget and learn from it. She went from not having anything not being able to buy me formula to being able to buy herself what she wants and anything I want. She was the strong shoulder who pushed my dad and believed in him when everyone thought my dad had no future . She just I can say and corny a super mom.This person would be a positive influence in my life because she is my mom. I learn mostly everything from my mom the life lessons right from wrong. She will always be harsh but that's for me to learn what I'm doing and she will be there when I mess up . Her attitude is better than mine she knows how to deal with things and that's what I want to learn how to do so I admire her . She is just a happy person and I want to be like that I want to learn how to rub off things and not care what others say. I learn from her mistakes she is just a person who will support me in anything i choose even if she doesn’t agree. My mom is the person I want to see after im having a bad day and I just want my mom because i'm close to my mom . A mother is just love a warmth the person who gave birth to you .I learned that I have an amazing mom who has been through hell and back and i’m just lucky to have her . I love how she was independent for a lot of things because her parents weren’t together she had to work for what she wanted and even more since she had a baby. My mom could've left me with my grandma and lived her life when she came to California but she knew i was her responsibility . I learn she had many choices and could of been selfish and thought about herself and only future but she thought for all of us .

In general i learned women are strong and my mom is one of them so i'm proud of that . As a young mom she has completed a lot of things in her life which is not even over .what you do in life will come back to you eventually good or bad .

Never say never because we never know.

Always count on yourself because no one has you like you have yourself.

what you do in life will come back to you eventually good or bad .

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