Spring Accessory Deals be prepared for summer!

With Spring here, and Summer fast approaching there's no doubt you'll be planning your weekend getaways and activities with family. To make these all a little easier, here's our pick of the best, most useful Accessories for your Suzuki:


Mudflaps can mean the difference between dirty boot-lids, muddy side sills and washing your car far more often than you have time for when you're out having fun! Mudflaps protect the sides and rear of your car from road dirt, which contains salts that can corrode your bodywork...

  • Less dirt to brush against as you get in and out.
  • Less dirty fingertips opening and closing the boot-lid.
  • Reduces road spray behind, which allows drivers behind you to see better!
  • Protects your sills from water and salt. On a car these are the most vulnerable parts to rust!

Call Luke to find out more on mudflaps for your model - from just £25

01432 374 700

Floor Mats

Floor mats just make sense. Instead of having to clamber inside your car with a hoover and hope for the best, you can simply unclip them, shake them outside the car and clip them back in. Made to fit your car, these mats can even be pressure washed and hung out to dry for those extra muddy days...

  • Easy to clean, easy to remove and re-fit.
  • Easy to replace if they wear through.
  • Protects your current carpet from further wear and tear, which maintains the value of your vehicle.

rubber and carpet styles available for all models - protect your interior from as little as £20!

01432 374 700 - ask for Luke

We have so many possibilities for accessories that sometimes its best just to pop in and have a look at our accessory brochures. From roof racks to mud-flaps, coloured centre consoles to Bluetooth kits, there's bound to be something to enhance your car and fit your lifestyle.


Created with images by MichaelGaida - "almond blossom steinobstgewaechs flowers"

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