The Hobo Commune Chase Cavallaro

The Hobo Commune consists mainly of 5 friends; Chase Cavallaro, Malen Mohr, Jason Binkley, Jacob Lefebvre, and Bryce Widlund. We mainly focus on making skits and movies but don't have much time to execute our plans.

Back Story: The Hobo Commune was first created Freshman year during Bertrand's class (Francis Bertrand) but did not get recognized till Sophomore year, April 26, 2014. After the 5 Hobo's grabbed lunch from grab n go they journeyed to Crafts room where they consumed their delicious cuisines. But there was a problem, a huge problem, when venturing to Craft's we discovered he had locked his door with the finest of keys, leaving the 5 Hobo's to fend for themselves. Being the civil Hobo's they were, they put their minds to the test and created a table right outside the door out of pallets (hence the logo) and ate their delicious meals and coined the name, THE HOBO COMMUNE. To this day the Hobo Commune remains together and well. Bagel and Chip have been missing for a while, and we need to search for our friends.

Created By
chase cavallaro


Hobo Commune

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