Canada Olivia Buffington and Khulkar Shokhalilullo

Canada and the Untied States have somewhat of a similar economy, its the Market-Oriented Economy. Market Orinted economy is when the people or consumers based on your economic system that relies on consumption choices of consumers. Which people can decides with the government with the same exact power. For an Example the Election for your president, the United Sates and Canada has the largest bilateral trade relationship. Both countries are members of the World Trade and both are parterns with Mexico. For an example other countries like Cuba has the role of command economy is different the centrally controlled government where the government makes all the decisions. For the Amazon the traditional role, is when the family or community based on economic system that relies on custom and ritual to make its choices. Canada has a Federal monarchy, which means that it is a federation of states which is a single monarch as over-all head of federation. But retaining different monarchs, or a non-monarchical system of government.


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