The Faces of 4-10 Nobel Prizers "Face" 2

Hello, we are the 4-10 Nobel Prizers, the insanely cute group of people who used to live in 4-10 SMR. One of our hobbies is to cook or eat out together.

"Eating" is a big thing for us 4-10 Nobel Prizers

One of our first few meals at the unit


RM 25 Korean BBQ All-you-can-eat!

Penang Cuisine Dinner

The previous picture was the last time we ate together with Hyun-Il, our Korean housemate. That day, we desperately try to rub some of his Korean good looks onto ourselves.

I remembered we went bowling together and Phillip rolled two balls down the lane, Hyun-Il scolded him "michinom" or "crazy man"

Crazy is the word. Our unit did a lot of crazy shit together, especially with Phillip the legend. He is the very definition of "sohainess" or batshit crazy

Imagine mixing these 5 drinks together. No wonder he lousai
Never closing the bathroom door when pooping!
This behaviour cannot be tolerated!!

Jen Sheng was another weird fellow

Real men don't cry. Because they wear goggles
Reading on the canopy walk saves my time
I remember one time on the canopy walk whereby he was scrolling on his phone. I tapped him lightly on his shoulder and he turned to his right sharply and banged hard on the railings! That shows you the importance of looking where you walking

Zhen Kang can be quite funny too sometimes. I really like him a lot

And he likes me back

And then the rest of the 4-10 Nobel Prizers... Well, you can see for youself

I honestly don't remember what I was doing

Our memories went deeper than that, they were many moments that weren't caught on camera

However "sohai" these people are, I am still thankful for their presence in my life. Without them, my A-Levels wouldn't have been so colourful


Created By
Wen Tat Woong

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