Tiberius Gracchus By Jake Pearson

Tiberius Gracchus lived from 163-133 BC.

Tiberius Gracchus distinguished himself in the army, after which he was elected quaestor. While in Numantia the army he was a part of was in dire straits, but it was Tiberius' negotiating skills which managed to save himself and 20,000 Roman soldiers and thousands of auxiliary units and camp followers. However the senate was not very happy with his deal which they claimed was a dishonourable treaty which saved lives but still admitted defeat. If his brother-in-law Scipio Aemilianus hadn't of stepped in and saved Tiberius's life and general staff the senate was going to punish them.

When Tiberius Gracchus was elected to the tribune in 133 BC he probably had no idea he would be end up with the intention to start a revolution, he was all for the economics of the tribune.

Tiberius Gracchus brought forward a bill to save both the slowly decaying Roman army and the problem of ex-soldiers not owning a home by trying to pass a bill of each person could only own 500 acres plus 250 acres for each up to two sons, and would be compensated with a heredity rent-free lease. Because the Roman empire only allowed people who had a home to join the army the army was slowly losing its man power so they gave away land so people would have a house to live in but also so they could enlist those people because they now had a house. Tiberius's bill was unsurprisingly supported by the popular assembly but the other people on the Tribune of the people didn't want it to go through, so Octavius used his power to overrule the law. Tiberius then retaliated by applying his own veto as Tribune to every sort of action by the government, which brought Rome to a standstill.

Eventually he passed his law, three commissioner were appointed to take control of the scheme, Tiberius himself, his younger brother Gaius Sempronius Gracchus and Appius Claudius Pulcher, "leader" of the senate and Tiberius's father-in-law. The commission began work and some 75,000 small holdings may have been created and handed to farmers from the land owners with land past the legal limit. But the commission was running out of money, so he simply proposed that they use the available money from the kingdom of Pergamum, which Rome had recently acquired. He used the funds but eventually he ran out luck and the senate was not happy, they thought that he was trying to become the king of Rome so they went and killed him and all of his supporters. E.g. they placed men in a sack with a venomous snake and sewed it shut.

The table above shows how the power is distributed throughout there time. Back then in Rome political power was practically the only power you needed to control your opposition. Tiberius's younger brother Gaius shared his older brothers fate a decade later trying to apply more revolutionary legislation. When Gaius died the people erected statues of Tiberius and Gaius as if they were gods and even sacrificed to them sometimes as if they were gods.

The table above shows the Roman currency.

Tiberius Gracchus. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2016, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiberius_Gracchus

Tiberius Gracchus. (n.d.). Retrieved December 05, 2016, from http://www.roman-empire.net/republic/tib-gracchus.html

Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus. (n.d.). Retrieved December 05, 2016, from https://www.britannica.com/biography/Tiberius-Sempronius-Gracchus

Created By
Jake Pearson

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