Stock Identification Magdalana Salazar

What is a Stock?

Stock is a flavored liquid preparation. It forms the basis of many dishes, particularly soups and sauces. Making stocks involves simmering animal bones or meat, seafood, or vegetables in water or wine, adding mirepoix or other aromatics for more flavor.

The three different types are

Fish Stock, Chicken Stock, Beef Stock

White Stock- This is a clear, pale liquid made by simmering poultry, beef, or fish bones

White Stock

Brown Stock- This is an amber liquid made by simmering poultry, beef, veal, or game bones that have been browned first

Brown Stock

Fumet- Very similar to fish stock, this is a highly flavored stock made with fish bones.


Court Bouillon- This is an aromatic vegetable broth used for poaching fish or vegetables.

Court Bouillon

Glace- Sometimes referred to as "glaze" this is a reduced stock with a jelly-like consistency, made from brown stock, chicken stock, or fish stocks.


Remouillage- a stock made from bones that have already been used in another preparation, sometimes used to replace water as the liquid used in a stock


Bouillon- this is the liquid that results from simmering meats or vegetables.


Jus- this is a rich, lightly reduced stock used as a sauce for roasted meats.


Vegetable stock- is a flavored liquid preparation. It forms the basis of many dishes, particularly soups and sauces.

Vegetable Stock

Do you think that stocks are an important part of cooking?

It is more than the basis for so many products and preparations; stock is the symbol of your commitment on so many levels and the signature of an operation that is serious about food.Preparing stocks symbolizes to your cooks and your guests that you care about the all-important foundations of good cooking. Stocks, after all, are the backbone of quality soups, sauces, and braising liquids. There are few other flavoring components that have such a dramatic impact on the quality of finished dishes. Stocks demonstrate your commitment to cost control in an operation. They represent your desire and ability to use all ingredients in an effort to create great dishes and minimize waste.


Created with images by ChrisArmytage - "food organic nature"

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