School Council December 8, 2016

Learning Goal: We will gain a better understanding of how our children are learning through the SAIL philosophy.

SC: I can identify the skills that my child will attain at JASS.

SC: I will be able to explain how SAIL is a part of my childs everyday learning.

SC: I know how to be connected with my child's Google Classroom

This is not what learning looks like anymore

“The old technology of tell and test or experience and evoke does not work, and it is becoming clearer to more people that it can never work.” - Micheal Fullan

Spaces have changed to foster 21st century skills which include:

Character Education and Citizenship through


Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity

Thinking outside the box

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. - Confucius

How are your children learning?

Independently planning and learning (even their own labs!)
Learning with teachers together through inquiry....
and independently how they learn best.

We at JASS focus on the process of learning by using various frameworks.

-Design Process in GLS

-Creative Process in the Arts

-Inquiry process in Science

In GLS, the Design Process is used to deepen our learning! In science, the inquiry process is used to gain a deeper of scientific issues.

Identifying our own gaps and strengths (Service and Advocacy)

Assessments are transparent here
Expectations are made clear and students help each other (collaboration)

Learning is contextualized!

Taking it Global promoting Student Voice (Service)
Mock trials in Civics (Advocacy)
Use of real applications to promote new ideas for the real world (Innovation)
Taking risks @ Cedar Glen (Leadership)
We are committed to fostering these skills through learning experiences.
Provide your child's teacher with your email address to receive updates on what's happening in their classes!

Also, ensure you email address is included in your child's student record (the form that was required for verification at the beginning of the year!)


Created with images by crackdog - "classroom" • kevin dooley - "KD's World Tour: Singapore office space"

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