peer pressure I choose this because I want to see how middle school students give into peer pressure.

Hello, my name is Braden. I researched peer pressure. I was interested in this topic because I wanted to see how middle school students react to peer pressure . The purpose of my research was to see how kids react to peer pressure. I asked the question to middle school students . To answer my research question I asked 8 people. The sample group was made up of boys and girls. I picked this group because wanted to what they give into. I avoided sample bias by random stamping .

100% 7th graders took my survey
this is the gender of the people who took my survey

the orange are the girls that took my survey-the blue is the boys that took my survey-the red is the people that did not want to say

this was a graph of how many people do what their friends do as you can tell many people do what their friends sometimes you have to be careful of what you do.

this is my question do you think you give into peer pressure most people think that they dont give into peer pressure. thats good.

this us how many people stole because their friends told them too-the red is no-the orange is maybe.

this is how many people have drank alcohol red the people who have never the orange is the people that said maybe

This is graph of how many people have smoked anything.-blue is the people who answer yes and red is no


Created with images by karosieben - "smoking young people youth" • karosieben - "smoking young people youth" • DyosEL - "Wallpaper" • PublicDomainPictures - "red yellow tulips" • DyosEL - "Wallpaper" • DyosEL - "Wallpaper" • bykst - "geranium wave water" • DyosEL - "Wallpaper"

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