Women and Worship Why is it okay for women to lead worship in church?

Underestimation is still an issue in the modern church.

Female musicians should not face more difficulties than men when aiming to be worship leaders because God loves men and women the same, leadership and worship are gifts that can be given to both genders, and people are living in a different context.

Genesis talks about how God saw that everything was good except the fact of man being alone. Men and women were created by the same God and loved equally by Him. They were created to complement each other, not to rule over each other.

Leadership is a spiritual gift that can be given to anyone God wants to. Leadership in the church is serving and encourage others to serve. It is important to stop seeing leadership from the patriarchal view in which is just ruling over each other.

Why can't a woman be an example of service through worship?

Timothy 2:12 says, “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[a] she must be quiet.” Paul wrote this to Timothy and his specific situation. The women in that church were not submitting to the authority, they were not acting godly and they were leading the church in a wrong path; that is the reason of why Paul wrote this. Besides, it is a personal view or a recommendation but it is not a command.

Women are as gifted, capable and supported by God to lead worship as men are. Churches must understand this, and follow God’s commands even though for some of them it does not fit their usual traditions and religion.


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