BEE-BOT Alba, Emma and paloma

The app we have chosen is bee-bot. Bee-bot was invented for young children to work the observation and analysis of the actions that the small bee robot performs from a sequence of given orders. It helps the development of different mental processes, skills and basic skills. The creator of this invention is TTS Group Limited. To download this app you don’t need to pay, which means that the app is free.

How it works?

This app is a small bee robot that follows our instructions by pressing a bottom of forward, backward, rotate… They reach to a destination that we mark as target, which is a flower. You need to choose a level. Pressing the green GO button starts Bee-Bot on its way. Bee-Bot moves in 6” steps and turns 90º. To play you choose the movements you want the bee to do and then you press GO and it will do the movements you have marked. When you reach the target, you pass to another level.

What you can learn?

What the apps want to do is to work the observation and analysis of the actions that the small bee robot performs from a sequence of given orders. It helps the development of different mental processes, skills and basic skills.

Who is it for?

This app is mainly used by children. Sturdy construction and colorful design entice children to put Bee-Bot through its paces. Compact size and durable materials make Bee-Bot child- and classroom-friendly. Bee-Bot is equally adaptable to home and school environments.

Apps you can use after

Green Screen by Do Ink, which costs 2,99€

Lightbot: Code Hour

Shadow Puppet Edu

Maths, age 4-6

Hopscotch: Learn to Code

Pizza Fractions 1

Classic Explain Everything, which costs 7,99€

TinyTap, Create & Play Education

Tickle: Program drones, robotic


What we can observe in this programs are that they are all for little children and some of them has to do with robotic. Also, all of the apps will help you learn because they are classified in the category of education.


Bee-bot was invented to motivate children of around 4-5 years to learn new things. Bee-bot was first invented as a toy, but as new technology has developed it became a free application for App Store and Google Play. Before converting in an app, it was invented as a game on the internet.

There is video tutorials on YouTube to help people how to use it and also some videos of children using the bee-bot.


In our opinion, we think that it is a good way for children to learn and observe. Also, it is very easy to use. This is a way to motivate children to learn. A good thing of this is that if you don't want to pay for it, you can download it for free in App Store.


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