Social-Cognitive Just a little about me, myself, and I

A piece of social cognitive personality is this handle on self control. Self control is the ability to control impulses and delay gratification. As a curious walking baby who still knows very little from right and wrong I found myself more often times than not searching for instant gratification.

The story as told by my mom goes as follows. She was cleaning my brother and my room. All my plush stuffed animals were not in a spot that I would normally find them. I was told not to touch my brother's toys. I- wanting this instant gratification- took no words that my mother told me to heart and waddled to his stuffed bears. I wanted the instant gratification despite being told otherwise. Self control has clearly become a more understandable concept and the reward of patience is relevant. But circa 1999 life was only about instant gratification.

In hand with self control, reciprocal determinism plays a role in social cognitive personality. Reciprocal determinism includes the interacting influences of behavior, internal cognition, and environment. Every one is unique as a result of this. People do not all choose the same environment to work in or become accustomed to.

I chose to play every sport I could in the four seasons of the year due to my love of sports. My family could be described as a "sports family" because this love has been instilled in all of us. The privilege I had to play on a number of different sports team shaped me into who I am today. I am very dedicated, driven, collaborative, as well as independent. All these qualities had to be present at some point or another on my teams. Even though I do not engage in many of these sports frequently anymore, it built me the character I reflect today.

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