From Developing to Developed The Importance of Education

Issues and Solutions

  • A major issue in developing countries is the lack of proper education. Proper education is vital in a developed country and can affect other factors of living, like birth rate and death rate.
  • Education could lead to developments in medical practices, which will increase the life expectancy of a developing country 's citizens
  • Education for women will control extreme birth rates, as it will give them to choice to decide whether or not they want to settle down and have a family
  • More education could increase the amount of professions needed in the society and more jobs would mean people would not have to struggle to support their families
  • Education could lead to the development of new technologies to benefit the country
  • Giving free education to children could help them provide for their families and their communities. Also, it could teach children right from wrong and encourage them to work hard instead of living a life of crime, which could lead to fewer death rates
  • Education could lead to improvements in sanitation and prevent diseases being spread among cities and citizens


Created with images by zephylwer0 - "city at night lights" • DariuszSankowski - "phone screen technology" • Wokandapix - "classroom school desks"

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