Feedback How and where you focus matters

This week are are going to be giving feedback!

You will participate in a scenario where you have to give feedback to an employee! This is done via asynchronous video.

You are probably familiar and used to using Flipgrid at this point.

Feedback is something that should happen often. Training leaders on how to give feedback and making sure they give feedback often and regularly is paramount to employee development and growth. Feedback can be either positive or negative. The key is to approach feedback from a performance perspective.

Think of this in terms of focus.

Is there a time when someone gave you feedback that completely focused on the negative? If this has happened to you then you know that your focus shifts to the negative as well.

When we give negative or constructive feedback it is important to focus on improvement and what you want the employee to do or achieve. Give the employee something to strive for.

In the same instance we do not ignore the negative outcome or behavior that caused the need for the feedback session. Knowing how to give feedback means knowing how to stay focused on the process and the development goals.

If you want to halt any forward process focus on what everyone is doing wrong and don’t tell anyone where you want them to go or to achieve. Communication is the key to so many things at work and in life.

Here is a short video on the overall communications at work. Feedback is the second bullet point.

Here is to a great week 4! Enjoy the process!


Created with images by mickrh - "target archery arrow" • geralt - "agenda ipad apple" • manseok - "camera cameraman broadcasting" • StartupStockPhotos - "children win success" • chase_elliott - "Focus" • PublicDomainPictures - "disgust disgusted expression" • Ben_Kerckx - "archery arrow goal" • geralt - "feedback confirming board"

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