Night Hoops Southside 25.02.2016 Week TWO

Venue: CBC, Fremantle

Tournament Manager: Lennon Smartt

Youth Workers: Kerri, Tim and Monique

This week we had 41 players turn up for Week Two giving us a full 4 team comp. It was a very warm day 40 degrees so we ran slightly shorter games and ensured teams had subs. The night went well and we had the SBL rookie of the year there to run skills with some under 18's players to assist him. The young people also took part in a creative arts workshop where they made different designs from yarn and wool.

Key data for the night included:

41 young people in attendance

10 volunteers

4 youth workers

2 referees

3 skills coaches

Some of the youth workers taking a quick break to cool down!
SBL Player Daniel Grida and WABL players leading a skills game.

At the conclusion of the night we all sat around outside and shared some MVP awards and pizza together!

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