Reason 1: Fascination with geomorphology, landscape and natural events

1st and 3rd: Exmoor National Park, United Kingdom. 2nd: Hong Kong

Geography has always been my favourite subject since young. I have an interest in the environment around me, what it is composed of, how it is formed, shaped and influenced by human and natural factors.

I am very intrigued and fascinated in geomorphology processes and its landscape formation. I also find natural events such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and mass movements very interesting.

Reason 2: I love the environment- I want to learn more about climate change and sustainable development

Hong Kong

I love the environment and would like to learn more about climate change and sustainable development. In fact, I am working towards a minor in sustainability. Geography allows one to gain knowledge about issues relating to the environment such as global warming and wastages. It allows me to understand the problem, and subsequently how to alleviate the problem and come up with solutions.

Reason 3: I love field trips!

New Forest, United Kingdom

I look forward to field trips as I am able to experience my learnings first hand and get a better and more thorough understanding on concepts. It also presents with many teachings that the theory does not cover, as real life situations does not account for ceteris paribus situations. I feel that such exposures are very helpful in cultivating one’s ability to think critically and creatively.

What I did- Hill walking

Exmoor National Park, United Kingdom

Exmoor National Park, United Kingdom

Dragon's Back Trail , Hong Kong

Dragon's Back Trail, Hong Kong

Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan

Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan

Macritchie Treetop Walk, Singapore

Macritchie Treetop Walk, Singapore

I am in the Southampton University Hill Walking Club, where I get the opportunity to go on day trips and weekend trips. So far, I have gone to Exmoor National Park for a weekend trip. I have also gone on a number of hill walking trips in different countries while I was travelling- Dragon’s Back Trial in Hong Kong, Yangmingshan National Park in Taiwan, Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and Macritchie Treetop Walk in Singapore. I enjoy going on hill walking trips as it allows me to explore new places and take in the beauty of nature around us. It also presents me with plenty of opportunity to witness my geographical learnings come to life- fluvial geomorphology, volcanoes, and many more.

What i aspire to do- Educate, advocate, and spread the love for geography and the environment

Exmoor National Park, United Kingdom

I aspire to educate, advocate, and spread the love for geography and the environment to people around. And this, I have a very strong passion for.

What i aspire to do- Environmental Advisor/ Consultant

Exmoor National Park, United Kingdom

Alternatively, I wish to work as an environmental consultant for my country, Singapore. I personally feel that my country focuses a lot on economic development, and I understand that that is essential and crucial, especially for a small country like mine. However, I feel that more emphasis can be placed on environmental protection and conservation in my country, and my aim is to cultivate a more environmentally responsible nation, to work towards sustainable development, where environmental conservation and development can flourish hand in hand.

Concluding Statement

Exmoor National Park, United Kingdom

I want to make the world a better place to live in. I do not want the future generations to be deprived of any beauty that we now enjoy, and I do not want our vulnerable Mother Earth to be destroyed or harmed as this is our only home.

Created By
Mavis Mei Ting Lim


Created with images by skeeze - "world earth planet"

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