Augusto Pinochet by Jacob hartranft

Augusto Pinochet was Born on November 25, 1915 in a little town in Chile. He would later die on September 11, 2006.

Augusto Pinochet graduated from a military academy in Santiago, Chile. He was a fantastic military leader and quickly grew in the ranks in Chile's ranks. He would eventually become very powerful and overthrow the government that was in control.


Once Augusto Pinochet became dictator there was a song made for him called the Dictator Song. Some of the lyrics include "blow the place up," and also "deploy the rockets."

Augusto Pinochet was determined to destroy leftism and thwarted human rights persecutions. He would remain president for an eight - year term, he wanted to keep ruling, but he did not get enough votes to stay. Even after he left more than 100 Chilean Leftists went missing, and Augusto was hated and banned from many countries.


Augusst Pinochet represents Power and Athority because he became one of the most powerful people in Chile. Pinochet also represents religious and ethical systems because he got rid of most of the Chile population because they leaned more on the left side.


Augusto Pinochet once said, "Not a leaf moves in this country is i'm not making it."

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