Caroline Haslett By Brody ryan

  • Major Contributions.
  • became the first secretary of the women's engineering society
  • Caroline was the only woman in the British Electricity Authority in 1947
  • Was made commander of the British Empire in 1931
  • Many females looked up to Caroline because of the challenges she has overcome.

When Caroline was 18 she left home and left to college. the collage Caroline went to was secretarial college and the degree she earned was electrical engineering in 1914. When Caroline retired she wrote an autobiography about herself and all of the things she has accomplished. After Caroline died, a blue plaque was put up to honor her memory.

Caroline's theory was if she worked hard as a woman and accomplished many things then others would soon follow. She wanted to make a difference in the world with her skills and she did by accomplishing many achievements and by becoming the only woman to be in the British Electricity Authority in 1947. By doing this, Caroline has influenced many scientist by all her work.

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