Lung Cancer A disease in which malignant cells form in the tissues of the lungs By: OLivia mcphee & Sara tivvis

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death due to cancer in both men and women
Risk Factors: Cigarette, cigar & pipe smoking, Second hand smoke, Family history of lung cancer, Hiv Infection, Beta carotene supplements in heavy smokers and Environmental risk factors
Prevention actions: Quit smoking/ do not smoke, lower exposure to workplace risk factors, lower exposure to radon
Whats being done: Their are clinical trials that are being used to study the influential factors that cause lung cancer, also development of new ways to treat and prevent lung cancer are underway.


Created with images by toubibe - "x ray image x ray thorax" • elianemey - "skull cemetery genoa" • Luna sin estrellas - "Lung Cancer can not kill me again!" • geralt - "anatomy woman human" • Kurious - "hand flag america"

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