Joy of Learning

Joy of learning is an experiential camp organized at the Deer Park Institute, Bir. It is designed for students of age groups ranging from 10 - 18 years. A fun filled and experiential camp, which brings together culture, nature, and the environment, to encourage young minds towards self awareness, creativity, compassion, and kindness.
Joy of Learning aims to sow the seeds of self-discovery in each child that leads to a life filled with joy, gratitude and perseverance. Through direct and intimate interaction with the uniquely inspiring Himalayan environment, it aims to kindle the flame of love, courage and inter-connectedness to the natural world that is innate in every child and inspires them to explore their creativity & compassionate understanding.

Joy of learning is based on the components of secular ethics that aim to inculcate values of patience, tolerance, forgiveness, humility, discernment, self control, a sense of responsibility, and love.

It has 3 key components:

Mindful Self Cultivation

Calming mind and body
Learning to attend
Emotional literacy
Self care

Cultural Interaction and Cohesion

Appreciating others
Recognising common humanity
Social skills

Environmental Awareness

Responsible decision making
Appropriate interdependence
Critical thinking
Children who participate in the Joy of Learning program leave with deeper self awareness, improved attention span & academic performance, enhanced empathy & social skills, and a heightened sense of responsibility towards the environment and society.
Joy of Learning partner schools have found a decrease in bullying and abuse, more mutual respect among students, teachers and parents, and an overall positive environment at the school.
Created By
I Am


Deer Park Institute

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