NPfDL Michelle McDonald 2016-17

Students will create a interactive museum exhibit focusing on Canada 1713-1850.

In groups of two or three, they will chose the subject of the exhibit. Subjects might include: a battle, an individual, the fur trade, growth of industry, Acadians, Loyalists, missionaries, transportation, epidemics, The Underground Railroad, construction of canals and railways, extinction of the Beothuk, or a local building or industry.

Display might be about an idea: treaties, relationships between indigenous peoples and settlers, the immigrant experience, etc.

All exhibits will describe the impact the event had on people. Each exhibit will present multiple points of view on the event.

These may be explored through: maps, art, wax museum, display, etc.

Each exhibit will have an interactive activity that will allow the audience to learn through participating in the exhibit. Each group will design a unique interactive activity.

All exhibits will incorporate and display research on the topic and include a references list.

We will invite people to view their museum displays. Students will select the audience. This might be parents, students from UTES, or grade 7 and 8 students.

We will incorporate digital by creating a website for the museum that includes the research of all the groups.

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