Yeast Breads Jana lacanlale

Basic Ingredients

Flour is used to provide structure for the bread.

Salt allows for flavor and regulates yeast.

Leavening Agents, specifically yeast, allow for the bread to rise.

Liquid gives moisture to the bread and forms gluten.

Steps for Preparation

  1. Mix dough -- combine the ingredients necessary, making sure to dissolve yeast in water.
  2. Knead dough -- using the fold, push, turn method, knead the dough with the heels of the hands to develop gluten.
  3. Proofing -- during this step, the dough will double in size as fermentation occurs. Proofing is finished when you press two fingers into the dough and the imprint stays.
  4. Punch down -- push fist into the dough to release carbon dioxide.
  5. Shape -- shape dough according to directions.
  6. Bench proof -- lets shaped dough rise in a warm, draft free place so the dough doubles in size.
  7. Bake -- bake the dough in a moderately hot oven.

Important Terms

  • Proof -- letting the dough sit and rise during fermentation.
  • Fermentation -- chemical process that produces carbon dioxide and alcohol
  • Carbon Dioxide - gas that helps the bread dough rise
  • Oven Spring -- the event where the dough rises dramatically in the oven
  • Kneading -- process of folding, pushing, and turning the dough to develop gluten.
  • Gluten -- substance in bread that allows for the elasticity of bread.


Created with images by jeffreyw - "Mmm...fresh bread" • grongar - "Apple hand pies - Flour, sugar, salt" • andreas160578 - "salt spa wellness" • bella67 - "drip drop of water wave" • Jarkko Laine - "Sandwich Loaf with Yeast Water and Sourdough"

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