Women Lost in a Man’s World Morgan Marshall


Now more than ever women's rights are a topic of precedence, there has been an even greater emphasis on this topic since the women's march on January 21st. America is faced with severe gender inequalities and stereotypes that are affecting women's daily lives, mental, and physical states. This is becoming increasingly more problematic due to do governmental actions and media influence, for example the wage gap and unrealistic expectations of body image. Women feel “politically homeless” due to men taking over the government (Chira 2017). Women all around the world are being affected by these problems. Globally women are not affected equally, women in Islamic and Asian cultures face more serious repercussions due to gender inequalities. In America women are not subjected to as cruel of treatment but are still exploited daily. This is a problem because the government and media have always viewed women as inferior and until they see us as equals the problem will never be fixed.


Research Question

How can women feel at home in a country ran by all men?

Sunday Review on New York Times 2-11-17

  • Being a women and supporting women's rights is a liberal cause (Chira 2017).
  • Trumps cabinet consists of more white men than anyone since Ronald Reagan (Chira 2017).
  • There are conservative women who don't want to be associated with “feminism” because it is a associated with liberal views and issues (Chira 2017).
  • Promoting women should be a universal view not just a liberal view (Chira 2017).


Sunday Review on New York Times 2-4-17

  • When I was 24, a young woman could either aspire to be a homemaking Betty Crocker or a militant Betty Friedan. We argued about things you can’t comprehend. Should a woman be allowed to have a job? If she got a job, should she be allowed to wear pants to the office? If she got married before 25, was she betraying the new career possibilities for which women had been fighting for a century? If she wasn’t married by 35, was she an old maid?” (Guisewite 2017)
  • Stay home with the baby and give up the chance to really pursue the career she’s studied so long for? (Guisewite 2017).

Women’s Rights

  • Thirty years after the adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), many girls and women still do not have equal opportunities to realize rights recognized by law (Shah 2010).
  • For many women, unpaid work in and for the household takes up the majority of their working hours, with much less time spent in remunerative employment. Even when they participate in the labour market for paid employment, women still undertake the majority of the housework (Shah 2010).
  • When women work outside the household, they earn, on average, far less than men. They are also more likely to work in more precarious forms of employment with low earnings, little financial security and few or no social benefits (Shah 2010).
  • Women not only earn less than men but also tend to own fewer assets. Smaller salaries and less control over household income constrain their ability to accumulate capital. Gender biases in property and inheritance laws and in other channels of acquiring assets also leave women and children at greater risk of poverty (Shah 2010).


Research Plans

I plan to look deeper into more websites and get a larger perspective on women’s rights as a whole. I plan to conduct a survey asking students on and off campus, and adults of various genders and races their opinions on questions that I have. I would also like to interview a few people to get a more personal opinion from them about this issue.

Key Challenges

We are in the south and majority of the south is very conservative and anti women so it could be hard to find a diverse group of people. I will try my best to get people with different points of view to respond to my questions. Also most women are

Working Bibliography

  • Chira, Susan. “Since When Is Being a Women a Liberal Cause?”. <https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/11/sunday-review/since-when-is-being-a-woman-a-liberal-cause.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FWomens%20Rights&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=3&pgtype=collection&_r=0> . 11 February 2017
  • Guisewite, Cathy. “The Women’s March in My Living Room”. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/04/opinion/sunday/the-womens-march-in-my-living-room.html?<rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FWomen's%20Rights&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=8&pgtype=collection> . 4 February 2017
Created By
Morgan Marshall


Created with images by purity9090 - "Make Peace" • bones64 - "women's march political rally" • bones64 - "women's march sign child" • ProgressOhio - "Rep. Antonio and Others Stands Up for Womens’ Rights" • hager.angie - "Tilman Hall"

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