The Myths of The Wild West Chapter 4 the WEstern Expansion

Buffalo Bill was a former buffalo hunter who created a traveling show in 1883. In the show, Native Americans and Cowboys staged performances about the events in the West. They exaggerated gunfights, horseback riding, and daring stunts.

She was born on August 13, 1860 in Darke County, Ohio with the name of Phoebe Ann Moses, but gained he nickname Annie later in life. Her mom was Susan Wise Moses and he dad was Jacob Moses. However her dad died when she was young. She had 6 siblings, 5 sisters and 1 brother.

Annie was an American sharpshooter and exhibition shooter. She was never a stereotypical Wild West woman, and more often then not adopted the dress of a man. She was considered a tomboy. After discovering her extraordinary shooting talents, she joined the Wild West Show alongside Buffalo Bill. The duo quickly rose to fame and became one of the most popular acts.

Abilene, Kansas and Wichita, Kansas

There was a shortage of beef in the Northern states after the Civil War. Ranchers were faced with a problem, the had a lot of cattle and no railroads to ship it to states that wanted it. Cattlemen searched for the nearest railheads realizing how much money could be made from it. This idea led to the many cowtowns in the West.

The Chisholm Trail

The Chisholm Trail was one of the most popular trails in many cowtowns in Kansas. Cowtowns began before the Civil War, but didn't grow until after the war was over.

By definition vigilantes are self appointed law keepers. They were groups of miners who hunted down bandits and imposed rough brands of justice. Later on, they were replaced by sherries, marshals, or justices.

Billy the Kid

Billy the Kid was a well-known outlaw at his time. He said at the age of 21 but shot his first man by the age of 18. When Billy was young his mom died, so he was put into an orphanage. He was a good kid, he worked for the people who took him in. Later in his life he was one of the most wanted people in the West. He killed almost two dozen men in his short lifetime.


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