Harn Museum Sunday January 29

Medium of the art
This artwork places a strong emphasis on the material used to create it. This display has a much larger effect in person as it concentrates meaning on the textures and feelings of its materials. This display, "Geographies," makes use of stones, lead, steel, solder, and wire to evoke a worldly and geological implication. The egg-like shape also helps create the ethereal presence of this artwork.
Design of the mjseum
The David A. Cofrin Asian Art Wing immediately drew me in. The wooden paneling and open concept gave this wing a regal feel. The large windows and natural light opening to a garden just felt very natural and fitting for the Asian Art Wing. The space was uncrowded and the openness gave a level of comfort while mesmerizing visitors with the art collection as well. This wing commanded respect and I felt honored by its beauty.
Art and core values
This is one of several pieces of "Guerrilla Girls." This piece of the collection immediately caught my attention as it speaks to a core value of mine: diversity. Not just as a women, but as a racial minority, this piece piqued my interest. I was born and raised in South Florida, a hub of diversity. As I have moved to college and as the election came and passed, I have come to realize just how intolerant other parts of the country really are. This speak spoke to me and showed me that equality and fairness is an uphill battle and there are people out there fighting for it. This piece at first incited that anger caused by other's intolerance and then brought upon a sense of calm as I know change is coming and it cannot be stopped.
Art and the good life
These two pieces of art, from Prism, illustrate a women's vulnerability and the role society's expectations play on a women. This reminded me of the role of the body and society on the good life. Society is impossible to be completely isolated from and expectations keep us vulnerable and connected. The way this piece concentrates on glamour illustrates the societal pressures on women to be perfect at all times. This piece shows how women can hide behind all the makeup, jewels, etc. It is a means to remain hidden and be less vulnerable. I would rather let the world see me; this piece gave me a greater appreciation for vulnerability.

All photos were taken on my phone either myself or by Maria Vernava (classmate).

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