Donald J. Trump Stan dobbelsteen and Luuk tomas

Who is Donald J. Trump?

It was the fourteenth of June 1946 and Donald J trump also called Donald trump was born in Queens, a city into the State new york in the United States of America. He was the son of Fred Trump and Mary Anne MacLeod. he has two brothers and two sisters. His father Fred Trump was a real estate developer. when Donald Trump goes to the Wharton school of the University of Pennsylvania. He was working for his father's business. When Donald was living in Jamaica estates, he was going to The Kew-Forest School in Forest Hills. Some of his brothers and sisters were also going to the same school. When Trump was Thirteen, he suspended from school because of bad behavior. His parents sends him to the the New York Military Academy, so that he can exploited his energy and self-consciousness. When he was Seventeen years old he became a captain. In august 1964 when Trump was eighteen he started at the University of Fordham in The Bronx. Two years later he switched to the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He graduated in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science in the Economy. Trump Completed his conscription During the Vietnam War, But he is never send to Vietnam.

his Family

As you already know Donald has two brothers and two sisters. His Brothers are called Fred jr and Robert. His sisters are called Maryanne and Elizabeth. In 1977 Donald get Married with Ivana Trump. With Ivana Donald has three children called Donald jr., Ivanka and Eric. But in 1992 they get divorced. a year after this Donald with Marla Maples. they get one child called Tiffany. But this also did not work, after five years they get divorced. In 2005 Trump get Married again, this time with Melanie. In 2006 the get Donald’s fifth child called Barron.

his family

his career

Trump is a real business man. His first project was the revival of the apartment Swifton Village in Cincinnatie. His father has purchased it and with the help of Donald the apartment goes from 66 percent of the rooms empty. to every thing full. This showed that Trump is very good in Business. After this project followed a lot of other once and Donald becomes really rich. But in 1988 went Bankrupt. Foul decisions caused for problems that he couldn’t pay. Around 2000 he haven’t got any problems with money. In 2001 opened Donald The Trump Tower in New York, an apartment of 72 stages. After this project their follows a lot of other buildings. The brand of Trump get’s a lot of industry’s. The Brand Trump has hypotheken, property sales, a lot of restaurants, clothes shops, Parfum, Television, games, books and a lot more. in 2011 the financial value was estimated at 200 miljoen dollar. Trump self says that is was a lot more. He says that it was 3 miljard. Trump was thinking about being candidate of present in 2011. but he hasn't done that. But in 2016 he did it, and how.

how he became president

His campaign started a year before the election. He had a clear opinion about the government from the last year. He wants to create a lot of jobs and want to stop immigration from Mexico because of that he wants to build a wall between the border of America and Mexico. He gets a lot of fans. He said things about women that were unacceptable and he lost a lot of fans. He said that they were not letting in muslims any more and said that Mexicans are rapist, criminals and on drugs. He also said not that nice things about the previous presidents. Especially Bush because “he failed to defend America against the terrorists on eleven September. Trump said that he would change that and make America safe against the terrorist who want to destroy america.But then things started to change. He said things like: We make america great again! and all americans get a job! then he started to get a lot of fans.

why Americans love Trump

Americans love trump because he says he can give all americans a job. And that in a time where the unemployment is high. He wants that all businesses buy americans and hire americans and not mexicans of refugees. Donald J. Trump is a rich man that is nice for him because he can say: I have money so I don’t get bribed because I don’t need the money. For many americans is that an important reason to choose for him. His competitors can’t say that. Another reason is that Donald Trump dares to say something were other people are careful. That is another reason why people love trump. Especially for Republican rednecks who don’t like all the muslims in “their” country. And they like that someone talks about “the muslim problem” and about the mexicans who come in the USA and steal their jobs. Where he gets the most fans is his slogan: make america great again! everyone wants to make america great again in america. But not all people like the ideas of Trump.

demonstrations against Trump

Not everyone likes the ideas of Donald Trump. The people who don’t like him call him a racist, a women hater and a psychopath. According to them he discriminates all mexicans and muslims around the world. And he can’t make his promises true. The opponents of Donald Trump did protest a lot against Donald Trump. After his election there were a lot of people demonstrating. The police kept it safe. That Donald Trump has less fans than Barack Obama was clear when there appeared photos of the inauguration. By Barack’s inauguration there were a lot more people than by Donald Trump's inauguration. The difference was almost a half square that is a lot of people difference. The day after Donald Trump’s inauguration there were again lots of people demonstrating for various reasons. There were people for women's rights, there were people for rights for the mexicans. And there were people for both reasons. But What they did doesn’t change the result: Donald J. Trump is and stays President for four years.


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