The Immune System By will Salony and Sam Mollard

The immune system is the network of organs, cells and tissues all working together in order to defend the us against bacteria, pathogens and viruses that could be a threat to our body's health.

There are many important organs that make up the immune system. The thymus produces T cells for our body, these cells get rid of harmful bacteria. Bone marrow is the substance in between the spaces of bones in which blood cells are produced. The spleen filters the blood, protecting the body from infection. The adenoid captures harmful bacteria that you might breathe in. Like the adenoid, tonsils also fight off harmful any infection you breathe in . Lymph vessels transport white blood cells around the body.

The immune system interacts with the circulatory system (the system that circulates blood throughout the body) , helping with the production of lymphocytes. (white blood cells that protect against disease). The immune system also works with the integumentary system. The integumentary system is the skin of the human body. This is the first defense our body has against disease.

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