The famous Five(CANADA)

In the past the woman were not able to run for senate. the famous five were a group of woman's activists and fight for the woman's right. in the october 18 1929 the famous five petition led to the ruling, that were included as persons under law, these five woman changed the coures of history in canada.

Nellie McClung

She is a Activist, Feminist, and Politician.

Henrietta Edwards : Woman‘s Rigth Activist and Reformer
Irene Parlby:Activist Politician, and Farm Leader.
Emily Murphy: Jurist, Author, and Rights Activist.
Louise McKinney:Provincial Poltician and Right Activist.
Created By
Mengyao Zhang


Created with images by BiblioArchives / LibraryArchives - "Nellie McClung / Nellie McClung"

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