Over 500 patterns in more than 20 families, from metals to fabrics, from stone to lacquers, from wood to carbon, from embossed to high-gloss finishes. Suggested materials to be used are, ME 904 Dinoc(METALLIC Silver)
Elevator internal wrap:
ELEVATOR BRANDING - For elevator decoration and design renovation we use 3M technologies that can stand up to dings, bumps, and even harsh cleaners better than paint and can be applied overnight without noise and dust on site.
Over 500 patterns in more than 20 families, from metals to fabrics, from stone to lacquers, from wood to carbon, from embossed to high-gloss finishes.
Internal elevator wrapping with 3M vinyl. It reduces and protects the existing elevator finishes while giving your elevator a new look and clean finish. We have dozens of textures we can use to wrap both the exterior and interior of any elevator. These materials will can be customised to suit your needs and brand identity.
Some of our available Dinoc finishes
Created By
Witness Khumalo

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