Florida Museum of Natural History Hannah Sweatland

Nature on display

Butterfly Exhibit

The butterfly exhibit in the museum was the most interesting one for me. I was able to see and interact with many different types of butterflies. It was cool to be able to watch them flutter past just like they would in nature. What I think made this exhibit so interesting was that I was able to see them up close in an environment that was very similar to their normal habitat unlike how it usually is in museums with fossils or replicas of animals. It was almost more like a zoo exhibit which made it very interesting.

Nature and ethics

Leopold tells us that it is important to "appreciate the land for far more than its economic value." We should admire the world around us not just for the ways it can help us but also for its magnificence. The fossils pictured above gave me a glimpse of some of the astonishing animals that have and still do roam this earth. When I was standing next to the mastodon, it made me realize that some pretty amazing creatures have existed and that people should take that into consideration more. Like Leopold wanted, this exhibit made me "love, respect, and admire" the land and the things that live on the land more by showing me that humans may not be the most amazing things to walk this earth.

Nature and the human spirit

The above exhibit gave me a perspective that I wouldn't normally be able to get- the perspective of a fish in the sea. There were fish, crabs, and other creatures on display. It was really interesting to me when I turned the corner and the paint and the lighting made it seem as though I was underwater. This exhibit made me wonder more about the ocean and how much there is that is still undiscovered. What sea life there is out there is not something I typically think about, but this exhibit helped me explore something outside of my day to day life.

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