A day in my life By timothy porras jr

I've been riding Motorcycles my entire life since i was in the womb and its been a big part of my life for the past 16 years and 4 months.

Since i was three year old I've been playing the guitar!

I became found of the guitar because my dad is what you would call a hippie! Hes a rock and roll enthusiast i never grew up around the music that was in but artist like ZZ Top and Credence Clearwater Revival. By the way are my favorite bands!

I have one amazing sister! Her and I are best friends you could consider us outsiders of today's society. We are the kids you find weird. We laugh, love and build I am a 3rd generation general contractor and my sister is a you tube broadcaster who makes diys and easy crafts.

This is the first motorcycle i had rebuilt all on my own its a 2001 Suzuki savage and it was one of the coolest bikes i owned .

This is me this is who I am,a hardworking motorcycle loving honest person. I am human being and i make many mistakes and I Live to Ride.

Created By
Tim Porras

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