Child Development By: Erin finn

Content: From my childhood, I remember playing a lot with my older sister, because we are close in age. We shared the same neighbor friends as well. My fondest memories were playing outside everyday of the summer having fun with my neighbors and sisters. Although, I also enjoyed being inside watching cartoons my grandma would put on for me, like Arthur. I also started playing softball really young and just recently stopped, so that was a major part of my childhood.

-The statement, "Childhood is crucial" has a very important meaning to it... childhood is crucial because it basically sets you up for how you are for your whole life. Especially with the trust vs mistrust concept. -Doctors and other professional people study childhood/children because they had to understand how their minds work and how to care for them as well. -I personally want to study child development because it is interesting and I need the class to pursue the career I want to have.


This website explains how children develop with many different aspects involved. Also, there are many different theorists/theories listed.


Created with images by donnierayjones - "Reese Loves Her Rocking Giraffe" • madgerly - "Playing with the water" • sathyatripodi - "brothers family siblings"

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