Teaching Plan for Mrs. Benninger By: Andrew Truax

Nutritional Improvement

Pre Test

Does increased sodium intake make your heart and kidney's stronger?

True or False- The average American person consumes under the recommended amount of sodium.

How does an improved nutritionally sound diet improve someone's health?

The Objective of this project are the effects sodium on the body and the Importance of nutrition

How does excessive sodium affect the body?

Eating excessive or large amounts of sodium increases the amount of salt that is moving through your blood stream. This hurts your kidneys and their ability to remove water from the blood stream. This causes an increase of blood pressure and make your heart work harder to pump blood throughout your body. It’s like turning up the water supply to a garden hose, the pressure in the hose increases as more water is blasted through it. Over time, high blood pressure may overstretch or injure the blood vessel walls and speed the build-up of gunky plaque that can block blood flow.

How do you assess your nutritional intake?

Every time you eat a significant meal your plate should look like this

Throughout the day, you should also drink 8 different cups of water!

How do you overcome the barriers to sodium intake?

Many places offer menus online for low salt diets for patients trying to find a way to limit their sodium. Here is an example..

Low sodium foods include

  1. Fish or shellfish.
  2. Chicken or turkey breast without skin
  3. Lean cuts of beef or pork
  4. unsalted nuts and seeds
  5. Dried peas and beans
  6. Eggs
  7. Any fresh fruit or vegetables


Your main motivator is your continued healthy living!

Having proper nutrition and correct intake in foods has five huge benefits!

  1. Heart Health
  2. Increased teeth and bone strength
  3. Increased amounts of energy
  4. A Healthy Brain
  5. Easier weight control
This will give you more energy to use your pool in the summer!

However, a diet lacking someone's nutritional needs has many negative effects on the body and can lead to all these different diseases

  1. Overweight and obesity
  2. Malnutrition
  3. Anemia
  4. Heart Disease
  5. High Blood Pressure
  6. Type 2 Diabetes
  7. Osteoporosis
  8. Many different cancers

Take Action!

The best way to action to improve your diet is the food first approach. This approach has to do with changing your foods.

  1. The first step is reducing your consumption of sodium
  2. The next step is to consume foods from every food group
  3. If you are having trouble with your appetite, do more aerobics in your pool
  4. Here is a video to help you understand foods needed to live a heathy lifestyle.

Where else can you find help?

  1. First off if struggling to understand your dietary, the internet and youtube and boat loads of videos and resources to help you understand your needs
  2. Use the MyPlate image from above or other ones on the internet to understand how much of each food group should be on your plate
  3. Don't forget about the labels. Every item of food bought at the grocery store has a nutritional label on the back. Look for the percentages and it will tell how much of each food group is in it compared to your daily needs
  4. You can also call Brunswick Senior Resources any time at 910-754-2300
Live a healthy Life and Be Happy

Post Test

Does increased sodium intake make your heart and kidney's stronger? No.

True or False- The average American person consumes under the recommended amount of sodium. False

How does an improved nutritionally sound diet improve someone's health? Heart Health, Brain Health, Increased Bone and teeth strength, energy, and easier weight control


Wallace, R., Lo, J., & Devine, A. (2016). Tailored nutrition education in the elderly can lead to sustained dietary behavior change. Journal Of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 20(1), 8-15. doi:10.1007/s12603-016-0669-2

Effects of low sodium diet versus high sodium diet on blood pressure, renin, aldosterone, catecholamines, cholesterol and triglyceride. (2011). Prescriber, 22(23/24), 12. doi:10.1002/psb.843


Created with images by laszlo-photo - "Tower City from the Cuyahoga" • SoraZG - "Salt_B130604" • lucidtech - "fire hose" • photogrammer7 - "summer swim swimming pool" • Kaz - "window rain steamy"

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