Spittlebugs Tarry Tauanu'u \ Veronica Gonzalez

  • Organisms Name: Spittlebug
  • Scientific Name: Cercopoidea
Did you know?.....The spittlebug is known as the highest jumper compared to other insects!!!!
  • I am a herbivore
  • I get my energy from plants (leaves)
  • I am eaten by Orchard Orioles
  • I produce spit
The Spittle of the bug has several jobs. The first job is that it protects the Spittlebug. The second job is that the bubbles insolate the bug from heat and cold. The last job of the spittle is that it keeps the bug from drying out and dying.

Below is a short clip on the spit of a Spittlebug up close.... please enjoy!!!!


Created with images by treegrow - "Spittle Bug Nymph Uncovered" • judygva (back in town and trying to catch up) - "Diamond-back Spittlebug - Lepyronia quadrangularis, Julie Metz Wetlands, Woodbridge, Virginia" • puliarf - "Nymph Spit"

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