How the Epiphany is celebrated in Spain Anna Swadener 1.13.17 per. C

The Epiphany in Spain is celebrated on January 6th. This is a public holiday and marks 2 events in Jesus' life. The first event was when the Three Wise Men visited baby Jesus in the manger. The second event was He was baptized by St. John the Baptist.
In the Gospel of Matthew, 3 kings traveled far away and brought gifts. They followed the star. The 3 kings came on camel, horse, and elephant. The gifts were myrrh, frankincense, and gold.
In Latin America, children celebrate and receive their gifts from the Three Magi. This day is called Día de los Reyes Magos. Children leave their shoes out on January 5th. They also line up water and food for the camels. The Three Magi would leave gifts in their shoes.
In Spain, they also have the Rosca de Reyes, which means the Wreath of Kings. A small figurine placed in the cake. If you find the Jesus, you must host a party on February 2nd. This wreath is oval shaped and filled with dried fruit.
Most Latinos celebrate with huge parade thrown for the day. They host parties to celebrate the coming of the Three Kings.


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