Romanticism Renata Primmer, celia poueymirou, Alex Ziolkowski, Ludmyla Diaz, William Fauerbach

What is Romanticism?

Romanticism is a type of art, music, or piece of literature that emphasizes on specific emotions, such as apprehension, horror and awe. Masters of the arts made their works using emotion and instinct, instead of logic and reasoning. While some novels by romantic writers are written to convey catharsis and other feelings, sometimes it is used as a tool to paint an "ideal reality" through immersion.

Where did Romanticism come from?

In the early 1800s, the Enlightenment period, a time of the humanities and the study of rational thinking in Europe. Romanticism was considered as a reaction and rejection of these ideas. These romantic people created pieces of art that reflected that unpredictability of the real world.

Beethoven was a prime example of a famous musician who can be classified as a romantic composer.
Victor Hugo was a well known writer during his era writing the famous Les Miserables and Hunchback of Notre Dame
Washington Allston painted famous romantic paintings like the Landscape of Lake.
Big Ben is an example of Romantic Architecture because of its Gothic style, much like the Notre Dame in France.

Romanticism evokes a deep sense for appreciation of nature and show abstraction in the real world.


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