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To look back on the entire portfolio in one paragraph, I would say it was an overall experience. This project has made ,e learn a lot about myself that I would not have realized.Ii had many experiences about myself and my world around me that came about during this process; however, it was not all sunshine and rain bows. The challenges faced by some of the objectives have shaped me as a person, but have not been ground breaking to me as an individual. I was aware that there was room for improvement in my life. We are all placed in this situation for a reason, that's a fact. This semester, I saw my self improve and learn like I never have before. This has been a remarkable semester for me; from last fall looking at all C's and a F, to this year ( hopefully) all B's and a C in calculus. This is a feeling like no other, to see the fruit of my labor. I wanted to thank you for what you have shown me, although at some points against my will. This class has really inspired me to become a better student, and a more productive and successful individual. So thank you, and I hope you enjoy the portfolio that is a reflection on me and my semester.


Created with images by bvi4092 - "Grand Central Station"

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