
In the Box Back to SChool Edition

In the Box Sessions are exclusive sessions only offered by Amie Roberts Photography!

Let's celebrate your child entering into a new grade or just starting preschool!


In The Box Sessions require a $200 booking fee.

This fee is to reserve and confirm a time and date for your session and for the time and talent of the photographer only.

This fee is for up to 2 siblings. Additional siblings are $50 each.

Collage Designs

9 Box Digital Collage


The popular 9 Box Collage can be designed to incorporate all siblings or each individual child on their own.

These sessions are not as customized as the regular Box Sessions. The same props will be used, poses will be similar, and there are no "tricks" or hanging limbs for these collages.

The 4 Box Digital Collage is also available for $150. They are designed for individual children only.

These sessions are available to book throughout September and October.

Please inquire here for dates and times available!


Created with an image by PIRO4D - "back to school paper colored paper" Amie Roberts Photography