Desert Communities eNewsletter | May 2016

Help Our Kids

Make a Difference in a Child's Life!

Are you interested in volunteering or applying for a mentorship with Olive Crest? If so, join us on Saturday, June 11, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Palm Desert office or Thursday, June 23, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Riverside office for training.

Palm Desert Office: 73-700 Dinah Shore Drive, Ste. 101, Palm Desert, CA 92211

RSVP with Julie Jeffery at or 760.341.8507

Riverside Office: 555 Technology Ct., Ste. 300, Riverside, CA 92507

RSVP with Shelley Ryan at or 951.686.8500.

News and Updates

Coloring for Kids

Last month, Olive Crest in the Desert Communities held its first ever Cherish the Children Coloring Contest in recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month. More than 18,000 blank coloring pages were distributed to children in the Coachella Valley, and many were returned full of color and design. We are so thankful for McDonald’s and the Discovery Children’s Museum for their partnership in this contest and for all those who submitted their beautiful work!

(Left) Angela Allen, Development Manager for Olive Crest in Coachella Valley; Noemy, Grade 1; and Roger Johnson. (Right) Isabella, Grade 4.

Special Thanks

Way to Go, United Rentals!

We want to send a big thank you to Robert Courtney, General Manager at United Rentals in Cathedral City, as well as all the employees, for their generous donation of pajamas for our kiddos. Your thoughtful gift has a tremendous impact on our children and families.

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