Learning Objective 2 Time Management and Self MANAGEMENT

Semester Plan: The Big Picture

This is the big picture of my semester. It includes my planned events, and it also includes my class's Test's and project's dates.

Weekly Plan: The Ideal Week

This is my ideal weekly plan. It includes my classes. study times, and times for personal recreation. My weeks are pretty consistent with each other, so I will be able to follow this weekly schedule throughout the semester.

Daily Plan: The Nitty Gritty

Prioritized daily To do Lists:

These are my Daily to do lists for February 20, 21, and 22. I have the most important and urgent tasks written next to 1.) and they are written in all caps and underlined twice. I have the second most important and urgent tasks underlined. I have the third most important and urgent tasks partially underlined. I have nothing under the rest of the tasks.


Created with images by Couleur - "watches old antique"

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