My special Art portfolio By: kellcey de haan

My name is Kellcey De Haan . I love to sketch ( even though I'm not really good), I took art class in 3rd-7th grade. The kind of art I like is profiles and just drawing celebrities.

She was a dear friend of mine and I loved her so much.
This ear sketch was a practice sketch. I tried on the first 4 I actually tried on and the last 4 I didn't
This stool I know doesn't look good, but it was at the beg. Of the year so I got better sense then.
This was around the beginning of the year , don't worry I got better!

This next one is ONE of the worst ones I've done.

In this art class I'm in I think it is a good class for me. It's not to hard for me at all. But I would like to be in a little more advanced art class.

TRUMP!!!!! This was soppose to be Donald trump but it doesn't really look like it.
This is ONE of my fave sketches we used a black and white charcoal pencil!

I think that that in the beginning of the year I was not able to get the drawings right but now I think I'm a bit better

This is my positive and negative space sketch I tried so hard for this..
This was one of my first sketches
I just decided to do this for fun. It was not a requirement it was for fun..

I also think that the most recent thing was the lips at the end of the site was the best.

That was soppose to be ME but it doesn't look like this at all.

That was a self portrait

This is one of my favs because it's the stippling project.
This is my 2pt perspective. I call it the LEANING TOWERS OF KELLCEY LAND
I did this when I was board.

I love to draw ppl. Even tho I'm not super good .

Elvis Presley
Oil pastel project in progress. I'm planning on coloring the teeth with grey or shade and pure or ultra white too.

That is all I have right now so thanks!!!

I'm not a fan of this lip oil pastel drawing because I put to much BLACK in it and it spread all over the lips. YUCK!!!!!!

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