Boom to Bust By Madison tayLOR

Leisure Time (1920s & 1930s)

This picture shows a newspaper page telling the public about the stock market crash (1930s).
In this picture it shows men and women working in a factory (1920s)
This picture shows a movie theater event, open to the public.(1930s)
This is a speakeasy, it sells alcohol to people of the public when shows are played. (1930)

Economy (1920 & 1930):

This is a stock market the took place in the 1920s. Sold convenience goods to people who wanted to buy things.
This is a farm that families worked on to make crops and produce for money and food for themselves. (1920s)
This is the announcement of the "New Deal" that Herbert Hoover proposed to the veterans. (1930s)
People went to the bank to try and retrieve their money when the Great Depression hit. (1930s)

Role of Government (1920 & 1930): 

This is the Lincoln Memorial in the 1920s
These are congress men and women working during the Great Depression (1920)
This is the riot that took place in Washington D.C. when Herbert Hoover refused to pay the $1000 the veterans were promised.
This is Franklin D. Roosevelt

Home Life (1920 & 1930) 

These are women dressing more modern in urban areas while drinking alcohol because that was the "new cool" thing to do. (1920s).
Bootlegging often took place the prohibition was established. (1920s).
After the Great Depression many people did not have enough money for food so meals were supplied to them. This is what they called a soup kitchen. (1930s)
Lastly, they Dust Bowl struck the country and this is a picture of a glimpse of what it looked like

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